
Wouldn’t it be nice to know more about the used car that you are considering purchasing? Are you getting a reliable car at a reasonable price or are you buying yourself a set of problems? We can help you be a more informed used-car buyer! Before you buy a used car, either from a dealer or a private party, bring the vehicle in for a Pre-Purchase Inspection (PPI) by one of our certified technicians.

In the last decade, more Americans are keeping their cars longer instead of trading in for a newer model vehicle. We also are buying older, used cars for teen drivers to save money as well. Keeping cars longer usually equates to operating them at higher mileage points. One “must do” service operation that all car, truck, and vehicle owners need to know about is timing belt replacement. Knowing about timing belt replacements ...

There was a time when your car was worn out at 75,000 or 100,000 miles. Not so anymore! The past decade has brought us game-changing improvements in engine technology, lubricants and rust prevention…great news for those of us planning to hang on to our cars. Polk Research indicates the average age of all cars on the road is 11 years…up from 8 years in 1995. Consumer Reports tells us that the long term financial ...

Your engine requires adequate oil to run properly. Engine oil acts to dissipate heat, while it lubricates and cleans the internal moving parts of the engine. Just a quick check of your oil level can save you thousands in repairs, by catching problems early. Total lack of oil could ruin your engine, requiring total replacement. Feel free to stop by anytime for a complimentary oil level check!

So what is a motor mount and what is its purpose? Motor mounts hold the engine in its proper position, especially during stops, starts, turns, and over rocky/bumpy terrain. The rubber insulator also reduces vibration and noise, cushioning the engine in the compartment. If one mount loses its stability, your engine can drop on one side or become misaligned and will place stress on the other motor mounts.

Shocks and struts wear with time and miles, and will require replacement at some time. We just replaced original shocks and struts on a 2004 Mitsubishi with over 100,000 miles. Manufacturers generally recommend replacement at around 50,000 miles. However, on this vehicle we noted significant oil leaks around the seals and that was the indicator that the shocks and struts required replacement.